Wednesday, February 1, 2012


In Exodus 24 Moses and 70 of the Elders of Israel go up to the mountain. In verse 11 it says "they saw God and they ate and drank." What a great meal that must have been sitting in the very presence of God. They later must return to the camp below - apart from God. Last Sunday we looked briefly at Deuteronomy 14. The Israelites were instructed to take 1/10th of their harvest and create a meal for their family to enjoy. There were no special instructions about what food to eat - rather it was to be "for whatever your heart desires." It was huge, extravagant feast. It says in verse 26 "you shall eat in the presence of God and rejoice!" There is something moving and inviting about sitting in God's presence and enjoying a meal.

As wonderful as these scenes are, they are just a shadow of what we get to enjoy. Before the cross these were special occasions but because of the life, death and resurrection of our Redeemer the barrier between us and God has been removed and we get to sit in His very presence at all times. As partakers of the Bread of Life (John 6) we enjoy a meal of blessings - not just someday - but in every day. A feast of "every spiritual blessing" has been prepared for us to take and enjoy and embrace!

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