Wednesday, April 13, 2011


This week I have been helping transport my son's 5th grade class to and from the Davis Monthan Air Force Base for a special week studying math and science applications - they are having a great time. I have been driving my Jeep and with the great weather I have the top down and the sides off - 5th grade boys love an open air Jeep. They are hanging their heads outside the Jeep, waving their arms , yelling at every car that drives by - basically being 12 year olds and loving the moment. I , on the other hand, was about to say: "Knock it off!" Before the words came out I thought - "what's the big deal?" They weren't doing anything wrong, just being boys and loving it.

As I have pondered what I guess is my being too "uptight" or my diminishing ability to enjoy the moments of delight that God so graciously gives - perhaps it is because of carrying a load of cares. When the burdens , anxieties and cares of the world start stacking up, delight... joy ... laughter... rest.   play... and yes, even worship all slip away. Ezekiel 12 talks about God causing the people to eat their bread under a load of care and anxiety - it was a judgment to turn them back to the Lord. There is no joy in eating when we are burdened! Scriptures tell us to "cast all our care on Him." It is more than just telling Him about them, we are to unload the full responsibility of our cares onto the Lord. Anything less is actually a mark of unbelief and sin. ouch!

5th grade boys can teach me a great deal. These boys don't really have any cares and it frees them up to fully enjoy the little delights that God brings. I serve a mighty God, my cares are a light load for Him and I get to trade them in for rest, joy, freedom, beauty, fresh insights, and moments of wonder! It's a good deal.

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